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REISSUE FROM HELLENIC FIRE SERVICE: Update on the forest fires from the Spokesman of the Hellenic Fire Service (25/07/2023 - 14:50)

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Press Release

Tuesday July 25th, 2023


A latest update on the forest fires was made today, July 25, 2023 at 2:50 p.m., by the Deputy Press Representative of the Hellenic Fire Service, Fire Colonel Ioannis Artopios, from the National Coordination Center for Operations and Crisis Management (ESKEDIK) in Maroussi.

Below is the text of the update:

“Good evening from the Hellenic Fire Service Operations Center.

There are several fire fronts today as well. The most serious ones are spotted in Rhodes and Corfu. With regards to others there are many rekindlings which are being dealt by our forces.

In Rhodes, the rekindling which occurred in the morning hours in the Vati area has spread, for this reason a message was issued by 112 concerning the evacuation of residents to Lindos. 266 firefighters with 16 teams of handcrews and 55 vehicles, a large number of volunteers are on the ground.  All Civil Protection agencies have deployed forces and since first light 9 airplanes and 4 helicopters are operating periodically.

In Corfu, there are many rekindlings in the wider area of the north-eastern side of the island. The flames threatened the Lutses village and for this reason a message was issued by 112 to evacuate the residents in a safe direction.  A little while ago, two more messages were issued by 112 for the evacuation of the villages of Imerolia and Syki towards the port of Kassiopi. Currently 62 firefighters with 3 teams of handcrews and 21 vehicles are operating, along with 6 aircrafts and 4 helicopters which operate periodically.

In Platanisto Karystos of Evia and Dervenaki of Achaia, so far, the multiple rekindlings are being dealt with by the strong ground and air forces deployed in these areas.

In the effort to fight the fires, firefighters and water tanks from 10 countries are operating with the Greek forces. Later tonight we expect the arrival of 38 firefighters with 14 vehicles from Serbia.

The General Secretariat of Civil Protection has predicted for tomorrow,  Wednesday, an extreme risk of fire in many areas of mainland Greece and a very high risk for the rest of the country.

We are going through perhaps the toughest days of the summer with the temperatures showing a further increase.

We all remain in a state of high alert.

We ask all citizens, in case of fire, to follow extremely carefully the instructions of the competent authorities.

An update will follow for all further developments.

Thank you.”