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If you are indoors


  • Fasten shelves and bookcases to the walls. Remove from the doors tall furniture that could be overturned and block the exit.
  • Screw well fuel and water tanks and heaters to the walls.
  • Place heavy objects on lower shelves.
  • Remove heavy objects from above beds and sofas.
  • Fix well all lights and ceiling fans.
  • Locate safe spots in each room of the house:
    - under sturdy desks or tables,
    - away from glass surfaces and bookcases,
    - away from exterior walls.
  • Check the correct function of the electric and gas network.
  • Inform family members how to turn off electricity, water, gas and on the emergency numbers (112, 199, 166, 100, etc).
  • Be equipped with a portable radio with batteries, a torch and a first aid kit.

If you are outdoors

  • Fasten shelves and bookcases to the walls. Remove from the doors tall furniture that could be overturned and block the exit.
  • Screw well fuel and water tanks and heaters to the walls.
  • Place heavy objects on lower shelves.
  • Remove heavy objects from above beds and sofas.
  • Fix well all lights and ceiling fans.
  • Locate safe spots in each room of the house:
    - under sturdy desks or tables,
    - away from glass surfaces and bookcases,
    - away from exterior walls.
  • Check the correct function of the electric and gas network.
  • Inform family members how to turn off electricity, water, gas and on the emergency numbers (112, 199, 166, 100, etc).
  • Be equipped with a portable radio with batteries, a torch and a first aid kit.

If you are outdoors

  • After the earthquake, agree to meet outdoors at a specific place that is safe and away from:
  • - buildings and trees,
    - electric and telephone cables.


If you are indoors

  • Stay calm.
  • Take cover under sturdy furniture (table, desk), kneel and hold its leg with your hands.
  • If there is no sturdy furniture around, kneel in the middle of the room, lower your height as much as possible and protect your head and nape with your hands. Move away from large glass surfaces (windows, glass dividers), furniture or objects that could injure you.   
  • Do not attempt to go out of the house.
  • Do not go out on the balcony.

If you are in a tall building

  • Move away from glass and exterior walls.

If you are in a recreation place, store or mall

  • Stay calm.
  • Stay indoors until the earthquake stops.
  • Stay away from the panicked crowd moving disorderly toward the exits because of risk of being trampled.

If you are outdoors

  • Move away from buildings, electric or telephone cables.
  • Cover your head with a briefcase or a purse available.

If you are in a moving vehicle

  • Drive to an open space and stop the car carefully so as not to obstruct traffic.
  • Avoid tunnels, bridges or pedestrian overpasses.


If you are inside

  • Be prepared for aftershocks.
  • Check if you or anyone around you is injured.
  • Do not move seriously injured persons.
  • Evacuate the building using the stairs (do not use the elevator), after switching off the electricity, gas and water.
  • Go towards an open and safe space.
  • Follow the instructions of the authorities and do not pay attention to rumors.
  • Do not drive unless there is an emergency, so as not to block the work of the rescuers.
  • Use your land line or mobile telephone only in emergency to avoid network overload.
  • Avoid entering your home if you notice damages, gas leakage or any cables destroyed.


If you are close to a seaside with low altitude

  • Not all earthquakes cause a tsunami. However, when you feel an earthquake, stay alert.
  • Observe if there is a significant rise or fall of the water level. This phenomenon is a physical warning for an oncoming tsunami.
  • After a strong earthquake leave the seashore and go towards mainland areas of higher altitude. A relatively small-sized tsunami at parts of the coastline could be transformed into an extremely dangerous one in a distance of several kilometers.
  • Stay away from seaside areas until you are informed by the competent authorities that the danger is over. A tsunami is not a single wave but a series of waves with different time of arrival at the seashore.
  • Do not approach the shore in order to watch a tsunami coming. When you see the tsunami coming, it will probably be too late to avoid it.